Ferret Food

Ferrets are exceptionally playful animals and they often overturn their food and water bowls.

Do not use water bottles for Ferrets because they can damage their teeth.

They need an open source of water because they also wash their faces in water.

Ferrets have rapid metabolism and eat about every four hours. Fresh water and food should always be available to them.

Ferrets eat only what they need and leave excess food for later.

If you want to have a healthy ferret, you need to feed him properly .

Do not feed the ferret on your meal - neither pasta nor potatoes, nor chicken heads.

Ferrets must be fed on a high quality dry ferret or kitten food.

Ferrets do not have a cecum and can not digest plant cellulose (vegetables, fruits) as well as cereal grains and nuts.

Vitamin supplements are not necessary if the ferrets are fed on high quality food.



A ferrets food will pass through its digestive system is around three hours, they will regulate their own food intake your job is to provide a constant supply of food and water. A ferrets diet should consist mainly of a dry ferret food, it is ok to treat your ferret, but the treats should never substitute a meal.


The problem with foods sold at the pet stores is they don’t usually print the individual proteins on the label; ferrets do well with a diet of high percentage animal protein foods. The labels on the pet food normally include both the vegetable protein and the animal protein together, so you never really know what you are getting. There are foods that contain soy products that are used to raise the total level of protein; much of this is vegetable protein. When the food is treated like this it forces your ferret to eat a large amount of food to satisfy it’s nutritional needs, when the food is high in animal proteins they can eat less and benefit from better nutrition. Be sure to read the ingredients on the food before you buy it and look to see if the individual proteins are mentioned, of so go with the one with more animal protein, this makes a big difference, right down to the amount of times you need to change the ferrets litter tray.



If you cannot locate ferret food suitable from your pet store, you can try looking in some specialist ferret magazines for a place to order the food, it is well worth hunting out a good ferret food as the nutritional benefits are extremely large and the results really show in your ferrets health.


Dry food has its benefits; it stays fresh longer and does not go off nearly as quickly as moist food. The pellets can help to clean your ferret’s teeth and keep gums in good condition. The dry food contains little or no milk substance, which is no good for ferret health and you can store dry food easily. The only downside is that there is no moisture in the dry foods so you will need to ensure there is plenty of fresh water available at all times so they can digest their food effectively.


Baby ferrets will need the food to be moist and soft, so if using dry pellets you must put a small amount of water on the pellets and put them in the refrigerator, after a couple of hours they will be soft enough for the baby ferret to digest and can be served.